Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Getting PANICMACHINE-A-Matic On Dog Germs, 97.3 WRIR, Richmond VA!!!!

Oh, aye, t'is a thrill to have PANICMACHINE musick included in this high energy edition of WRIR's always excellent and informative show DOG GERMS!! Two tracks from P. Emerson Williams, from the EP with Mark Cunningham, Sea Of Eyes, currently available everywhere and an exclusive debut of a track from the forthcoming album Luminous.

On top of that, our kindly host throws a track from the brand new Veil of Thorns album into the mix! Hie thee hence and check out the show, support a great radio station and support great independent music. You can listen to the show below or download podcast here.

dog germs 9/17/14 edition 
got a loaded show for your ears tonight! we start it all off with a number of bands playing in richmond and d.c. in the next few days: hocico, hardwire, venal flesh on wednesday @ fallout (rva); the koffin kats, creep-a-zoids, car thief on friday @ wonderland (rva); and erasure on friday and saturday @ 9:30 club (d.c.)!
also on tonight's show i have music from three p. emerson williams projects: his new upcoming solo album, his latest e.p. with mark cunningham, and something from the new veil of thorns album!

all this mega goodness and much more, including your requests!

more" to see the playlist!

miss the show? you can always try to unmiss it via the podcast!

...and be sure to like us on facebook!

thank you for listening! have wonderful week!

dig itskinny puppythe singles collectnettwerk1999
flesh to laceratehocicotiempos de furiametropolis2011
god help us all (feat. en esch)hardwireinsurrectiondanse macabre2012
emulgent disfigurementvenal fleshemulgent disfigurementjuggernaut2014
severing tiesthe koffin katsour way & the highwaysailor's grave2012
dead by dawncreep-a-zoidscreep-a-zoids"self released"2013
patrick swayze goes home to diecar thiefcar thief"self released"2012
hideaway (remix)erasurejust say yes...sire1987
chains of loveerasurethe innocentssire1988
dimensions unknownp. emerson williamsluminouspanicmachine2014
sea of eyesp. emerson williams feat. mark cunninghamsea of eyespanicmachine2014
messenger of nightveil of thornseschaton & celebrationpanicmachine2014
the trap (second enclosure)x-marks the pedwalkindustrial revolution 3rd edition: rare & unreleasedcleopatra1996
regression (live)low on sanitylive on wrir's river city limits-2013
zuviel von mirherzschlagfest der liebemetropolis2009
queen of the niteblutzukkerbensch audio samplerbensch audio2011
speak to merotersandrandom is resistancemetropolis2009
i want 2 b uversus24 years of rebellion"creative commons"2011
something i choose to ignorexuberxall things belong to us nowradio active music2010
lovecompassionzondustrialthe pointradio active music2011
dust in the universearmy of the universelovedead ep & remixesmetropolis2011
listen to my voicegary numanpureeagle2000
bleed my diseaseuranium 235number of samples"self released"1996
too piecesyazupstairs at eric'ssire1982
pure morningbeauty queen autopsypure morningundustrial2014
flowersasylum xiiiflowers"self released"2014
acoustic romancea kiss could be deadlya kiss could be deadlymetropolis2008
call meblondiethe best of blondiechrysalis1981
all these things that i've donethe killershot fussisland2004

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